Whether they are reading a fun book, brushing the teeth of a dinosaur, chopping apples, walking the line, doing math or reading, the children in these photos are fully engrossed in what they are doing – they are concentrating hard on the task in front of them.
According to the Montessori philosophy, concentration is one of the four basic basic principles for learning alongside with order, coordination, and independence.
Concentration is a key element to learning. While the child is concentrating, their body and mind are focused on the task, creating the perfect conditions for learning.
While concentrating, the child is in a sacred ‘zone’ that should be protected as long as possible. As tempting as it is for an adult to go the child during these moments and compliment them on the “wonderful job” they are doing, this is the time when one should restrain themselves from doing so, as it would break the child’s concentration and interrupt the flow of learning.
While concentrating, the child is in a sacred ‘zone’ that should be protected as long as possible. As tempting as it is for an adult to go the child during these moments and compliment them on the “wonderful job” they are doing, this is the time when one should restrain themselves from doing so, as it would break the child’s concentration and interrupt the flow of learning.

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