M.O.M. Blog and News
Free Choice
One of the fundamental principles in the Montessori classroom is freedom of choice. From the thoughtfully curated shelves around the classroom, the children are able to choose which materials to work with, what skill sets to practice, and where to work in the...
The Gift of Giving
At MOM, we teach kindness, caring for others, and noticing the needs of others. Preparing for the holiday season through the gift of giving was a great opportunity for the MOM children to experience that the act of giving is as rewarding (if not more rewarding) as the...
Zoology – Insects
This year, we are focusing on Zoology as part of our Cultural Studies. We began by learning about Living/Non-Living. We learned that living things can move, they grow, need air, food, and water to survive, and they can reproduce. To reinforce their understanding of...
From Practical Life to Language
The Practical Life Curriculum is the soul of the Montessori classroom. This is where our youngest students like to start their day, and where our oldest students return to take pride and satisfaction in completing those familiar works with grace and mastery. Besides...
Summer School 2024 – The Human Body
This summer we studied the human body. We began with taking a closer look at our own bodies and labeling our body parts. During our art presentation, we tested Vitruvius’s theory of human proportions using Leonardo da Vinci’s representation of the Vitruvian Man. Next,...
Extensions – A way to keep the curriculum growing with the children
One of the teacher’s jobs in a Montessori classroom is to observe each child and then chose the right material to present to them at the right time. The material should be age-appropriate, engaging, and just the right level of difficulty where the child feels...
At MOM, we like to expand on our cultural curriculum as much as possible, so in a three-year rotation, we devote a whole year to one of the three subjects in our cultural curriculum: botany, zoology, and continents of the world. This year, we focused on botany. We...
Taking Care of Our Environment
Taking care of our environment is one of the core principles of the Montessori Practical Life curriculum. At MOM, the children share the responsibilities of taking care of their school. By doing so, they feel ownership of their school and belonging to their...
Sewing – A Practical Life Work
There is something very calming and satisfactory about sewing. Whether it is the fact that the children are trusted to use real grown-up tools, including a very sharp and prickly needle, a threader, and beautiful bright thread, or the process of pushing the needle in...
Mixed-Aged Classroom
Being able to witness the ever-changing role of a child throughout their three years in a mixed-age classroom, is one of the most wonderful experiences in a Montessori preschool. When a child enters our school at 32 months, they are the youngest student who is...

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